In a recent article for Fierce Education, Dr. Gangaram Singh, Executive Vice President and Provost of National University, and Dr. Tyra Gross, Assistant Professor at Xavier University of Louisiana, explore how their respective institutions reacted when challenged with finding EdTech’s “Goldilocks” scenario.
In a new article, Packback users and veteran educators, Dr. Gangaram Singh and Dr. Tyra Gross, explore the expanding role of technology amidst COVID-19.
Dr. Singh and Dr. Gross serve at two very different institutions — National University is a large, predominantly online institution based in California and Xavier University is a Historically Black College & University (HBCU) in Louisiana — but their experiences during the pandemic have proven that the need for community-driven, student-first, ed tech is universal.
As higher education continues to move forward, Dr. Singh and Dr. Gross urge us to remember the challenges presented by the pandemic — and to use those lessons to shape the future of teaching and learning.
“During the pandemic, National University experimented with an AI-enabled discussion platform designed to help faculty apply rigorous, assessment-led instruction at greater scale. What we found is that the tool didn’t just improve the quality of students’ writing — it also helped build a sense of community even in a remote setting, as students engaged with each other on substantive and challenging topics.
That level of connection gave National’s faculty more confidence that they could use technology to serve more students more effectively, without sacrificing the deep engagement that is a hallmark of effective learning experiences.”
Excerpt from “How COVID is Helping Higher Ed Find Technology’s Goldilocks Scenario”