Product Feature: The Featured Tab

In Packback Questions communities across the nation, thousands of questions are posted per week. That is a lot of questions flowing through the platform, which could make it easy to miss some of the best posts. The Featured Tab places the best discussions from every community in their own easy-to-navigate tab.

Every week, Packback’s Community Management team hand-selects the most thought-provoking posts in each community and sends them in a weekly digest email to all Packack users called the Curious Reader Digest. With the Featured Tab, all those “can’t miss” questions and answers are also accessible right within the community!

Even if a community has several thousand questions posted per week, the Featured Tab ensures the best questions never get buried. When those great questions are seen, they inspire others to ask similar questions and increase the number of responses that those great questions receive to drive deeper discussions.

Making sure the best posts are seen and discussed

The Packback Product team works to make sure that every community delivers on our purpose of awakening fearless curiosity through features that improve the quality of questions and making sure those great posts are seen by everyone.

Our Curious Reader Digest has done wonders for inspiring students to read the discussions on featured questions, helping instructors easily find great discussions to continue in the classroom and highlighting examples of truly amazing questions. The Featured Tab was a way of expanding the impact of the Curious Reader Digest by making it an even more integral part of the Packback Questions experience.

Our research revealed that the most recent questions that are visible at the time of logging in directly impact the type of question that others asks. When a great question is posted, it sets off a chain reaction of more great questions. The Featured Tab makes sure those great posts are always visible to help set the tone for future questions and responses.

Selecting the best posts in every community for the Featured Tab

Our amazing team of Packback Moderators carefully review every community on our platform each week and hand-select questions to feature which represent the highest levels of Bloom’s Taxonomy (Analysis, Evaluation, and Creation). Our Moderators also seek out posts with thoughtful responses or particularly unique sources cited.

The best of the best, just a click away

Any time throughout the semester, click on the Featured Tab to see a history of all questions that have been featured in the Community. Students can always find a list of interesting discussions in the Featured Tab if they are ever searching for a question to answer. Students can check the Featured Tab when reviewing for finals to remember the discussions from earlier that semester.  Instructors can review the Featured Tab at the end of the semester to review their class’ discussions, select test questions or do research on how students’ understanding or opinions changed throughout the semester.

Request a Demo of the Packback Questions Platform

Curious to learn more? One of our friendly strategy consultants will be excited to meet you and discuss your course learning objectives. We will provide a free consultation to see if Packback would be a good fit for your class!

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